In The Land of Niseb
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Home Character Artwork Maps How to Play
-- Tobias
-- Human
-- Male

-- 4

--Magus Archer
--TTB: Grand Magus Ranger



Known Languages:
-- Common
-- Toteman
-- Magi
-- Impan
-- Icanim
-- Reading Toteman
-- Reading Common
-- Reading Magi
-- Reading Impan
-- Reading Icanim


-- Bow of Aerenar (n)(60L)(Lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 magus def)
-- Arrows of Magicus Aerenar (n)(60L)(Lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 magus def)
-- Helmet of Aerenar (n)(1k 20L)(Lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 magus def)
-- Neck Choker of magus defense (s)(1K 12L)(Lvl 4)(+10 magus defense)(+10 magus damage)
-- Cloak of Aerenar (n)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 magus def)
-- Chestplate of Orwin (b)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 phys def)
-- Pauldrons of Orwin (b)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 phys def)
-- Belt of Orwin (n)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 phys defense)
-- Bracers of Orwin (n)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 phys def)
-- Gloves of Orwin (n)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(+10 magus damage)(+10 phys def)
-- Ring of Magiian Prophecy (t)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(-10 mana cost)(+10 magus damage)
-- Ring of Magiian Prophecy (t)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(-10 mana cost)(+10 magus damage)
-- Earring of Magiian Prophecy (t)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(-10 mana cost)(+10 magus damage)
-- Earring of Magiian Prophecy (t)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(-10 mana cost)(+10 magus damage)
-- Leggings of Orwin (b)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(10 magus damage)(+10 phys def)
-- Boots of Dashing (n)(legendary)(+1 movement)
-- Chain of Magus (n)(1k 20L)(lvl 4)(-10 mana cost)(+10 magus damage)


	Poison Arrow (apply poison to arrows +6d before battle)
	Savior of Parsan (Any port connected to Parsan is free 1st class ticket)
	Guile (1/2ch)(if there is a hiding spot, can hide and people are unaware of your presense)
	Scavenge(1/2ch)(once per node, attempt to  scavenge for food/drink around the area receiving 3 items of rations(food and water))
	Upon the Wind(Send message on the wind, telling a specific party member the location of the party.)
	Step(Turn self into a jolt of silent lightning, teleporting a short distance away up to 20 feet, can only do twice per encounter)
	Mercantile (1/2ch)(once per encounter, attempt to get better prices, if successful, get 15% better prices from that vendor)
	Barter (1/2ch)(once per encounter, attempt to sell at better prices. If successful, get 15% better prices from the buyer)
	Skinning (1/2ch)(Attempt to skin something to get leather worth 34L, can only use on dead animals that have fur, can use once per monster)(Leather(s)(34L))
	Leather Armormaker (3 threads and 1 needle req)(can use on fur or leather)(Make a piece of leather armor worth up to equal variant)
	Master Potion Maker (Can perform one attempt for every potion in potion list per node)(Must have 1 Empty Vial(s)(10L) per potion)(Attempt to make a potion on the potion list)
	Conjure Vial (1/2ch.)(Once per node, attempt to make a vial, if unsuccessful, the vial remains a distant memory and cannot be made)
Attack Skills:
	Planal Arcanum arrow (50m)(Wall of energy in a 1x5 range 50d arcane damage.)
	Planal Blizzard Arrow (52m)(Strike foe dealing 52d. blizzard wall of energy in a 1x5 range)
	Planal Thundara Arrow(60m)(Wall of energy in a 1x5 range 60d. thunder damage)
	Planal Fire Arrow(54m)(Strike foe dealing 54d fire in a wall of energy in a 1x5 range) 
	Planal Watera Arrow (62m)(Shoot arrow on where it hits creating a wall of energy in a 1x5 range dealing 62 water damage)
	Wind Arrow (63m)(1trn)(Strike foe dealing 63d wind, cannot counter)
	Freedom(if trapped under heavy object, free yourself)
	Firey Disengage(56m)(dodge back avoiding attack going back 5 blocks, then strike foe with attack dealing 56d fire)
	Arcanarus Significas Dublas (50m)(strike foe witharrow dealing 25d arcane, then another arrow dealing 25d arcane)
	Darkness Strike(54m)(Shoot arrow dealing 54d physical (not part of the 1/2ch) blinding foe for 1trn(1/2ch). cannot use next turn)
	Fire Volley(1trn)(40m)(1/2ch per monster)(Shoot in area and deal 40d fire each group of foes nearby eachother)
	Strike of Firus Accuracy(54m)(shoot arrow at foe that goes past blocks. If hit, 54d fire)
	Vortex Arrow (66m)(1trn)(cannot be countered)(medium objects (such as boulders) gravitate toward the location of a shot. objects (up to 3) move to where the arrow was shot hitting anything along the way dealing 35d physical per hit 1/2ch. for each)
	Wind Absorbtion (36m)(1trn)(Clear up smoke screens that exist on the map by absorbing the smoke with your hand.  Wind absorbs the smoke making it into a piece of charcoal worth 30L)
	Earthen Arrow (35m)(1/2ch)(cannot be countered)(Strike foe with arrow, if hit, foe reduces physical defence by 14 for 2trn)

Rune Infused Bag (25):(24.3)
	Shirra Stone(t)(H)
	Shirra Stone(t)(M)
	Shirra Stone(t)(R)
	Water container(s)(2L)(Holds liquid)
	Lantern(s)(3L)(Light up the dark)
	Empty Vial(s)(10L)-1
	Goggles of Night (s)(65L)(Be able to see in the dark.)
	Shortsword of summoning defense (s)(65L)(Lvl 4)(+10 summoning defense)(+10 magus defense) - 2
	Longsword of  magus damage (n)(73L)(Lvl 4)(+11 magus damage)(+11 blizzard damage) - 3
	Rope (s)(20L)(50 foot long)-1
	Barrel of Beer (h)(1 pint = 10L)(contains the following amount of pints: 123/248; generic travellers beer)
	Green Dragon Scales (s)(59L)-3
Merchant's Caravan (200):(62.3) - 2 Birdard (2k) Names: Apollo and Athena (Comes equipped with self-sustaining bug lanterns)
	Map of Eastern Province(s)(10L)
	Map of Middle Province (s)(30L)
	Map of Northern Province (s)(30L)
	Map of Western Province (s)(30L)
	Lantern(s)(3L)(Light up the dark)
	Map of Veign (s)(40L)(be able to have access to the map of Veign)
	Fine Thread (t)(4L)-2
	Tiny Pack of Needles (t)(34L)
	Empty Vial(s)(10L)-3
	Gorget of summoning defense (s)(1K 48L)(Lvl 4)(+11 summoning defense)(+11 light defense)
	Spiked Gauntlets of earth defense (n)(1K 20L)(Lvl 4)(+10 earth defense)(+10 blood defense)
	Accessory Bauble of physical defense (s)(1K 20L)(Lvl 4)(+10 physical defense)(+10 poison damage)
	Dried Fish Ration (s)(30L)(contains enough for food and drink, unwrap it, reveals a useful leather pouch of clean water and a dried fish jerky. While salty and smelly, it has wonderous umami flavor) -5
	Sharkskin Legs of arcane defense (b)(1K 36L)(Lvl 4)(+11 arcane defense)(+11 air defense)
	Arshan's Accessory of physical defense (s)(1K 2L)(Lvl 4)(+10 physical defense)(+10 thunder defense)
	Giant Platypus' Pelt (s)(56L)-3
	Medium belt of fire defense (n)(1K 56L)(Lvl 4)(+11 fire defense)(+11 blizzard damage)
	Giant Platypus Bones (h)(56L)-5
Money Bag:
L: 62
K: 69

Notes - Potion List Tobias knows how to make: Cauterizing Potion(s)(35L)(Cauterize your wounds removing blood ailment) Salve Potion(s)(35L)(Cure poison) Salvic Balm(s)(35L)(Resist poison for 3trn) Ensoropni Potion(s)(35L)(Resist blood ailments 3trn) Invisibility Potion(s)(35L)(Can only be used outside of combat: Renders consumer invisible for 1 minute) Speed Potion(s)(35L)(Move extra 2 blocks for next 3trn) Fire Retardent Potion(s)(35L)(Immunity to burns for 3trn) Warm Potion(s)(35L)(Immunity to speed reduction of ice spells) Levitation Brew(s)(35L)(Float up to 30 feet, 1 minute) Truth Serum(s)(35L)(Force consumer to speak the truth for 20 minutes) Mimicry Brew(s)(35L)(Temporarily grants the ability to imitate voices or sounds for 1 minute) Sleeping Draught(s)(35L)(Can only be used outside of combat: Induces a deep sleep in the consumer) Dreamwalker's Tincture(s)(35L)(Allows the consumer to enter and control dreams) Berserker's Brew(s)(35L)(Increase damage by 2 equipment slot of variance. Must continue attacking or lose ability and 1/2ch. of falling asleep for 1trn) Luck Potion (s)(35L)(Attempt 1 reroll of any roll) Petrification Tonic(s)(35L)(Temporarily turns the consumer to stone, providing immunity to attacks for 1trn) Teleportation Elixir(s)(35L)(Can only be used outside combat: Teleport to a visible location) Spectral Sight Serum (s)(35L)(Grants ability to see invisible or ethereal entities) Cleansing Tonic(s)(35L)(Purifies the consumer form curses or negative magical effects (not blood or poison)) Eagle's Eye Elixir(s)(35L)(Enhances vision and perception, allowing the consumer to see great distances for 1 node) Mermaid's Breath Potion(s)(35L)(Allows the consumer to breath underwater for a limited time, 15 minutes) Harmony Elixir(s)(35L)(Can cast an additional 2 spells if out of mana) Moonlit Perfume(s)(35L)(Enhances your charisma around others, making you more persuasive for 1 node) Detective Draught(s)(35L)(Enhances investigative abilities, allowing the consumer to uncover hidden clues. Lasts 1 node) Firebrew Potion(s)(35L)(Convert phys damage into fire damage for 1 battle, also affects phys damage equip bonuses) Thunderbrew Potion(s)(35L)(Convert phys damage into thunder damage for 1 battle, also affects phys damage equip bonuses) Waterbrew Potion(s)(35L)(Convert phys damage into water damage for 1 battle, also affects phys damage equip bonuses) Blizzbrew Potion(s)(35L)(Convert phys damage into blizzard damage for 1 battle, also affects phys damage equip bonuses) Lightbrew Potion(s)(35L)(Convert phys damage into light damage for 1 battle, also affects phys damage equip bonuses) Arcanebrew Potion(s)(35L)(Convert phys damage into arcane damage for 1 battle, also affects phys damage equip bonuses) Transmogrification Tincture(s)(35L)(Can only use outside of combat. Transforms consumer into a frog for 1 node)